This is much like setting the CPU player's behavior in Training Mode, though there are a few behaviors that aren't available outside of the Debug Menu. Changing this setting causes the corresponding CPU player to behave differently. How much knockback each player takes, from 0.10-3.00. (Despite this range, enemies in single-player modes can go up to 5.00 and possibly beyond.) How much knockback each player deals, from 0.10-3.00. The amount of damage players will have when they start/respawn, ranging from 0% to 999%. Totally pink (crashes the game, requires codes to force it to load). KAN1-6C1J-RQARH FBM4-R1M8-H2D3A Sub Color Number
Sub color 5 is entirely unused and cannot be used without a code to force it to load. Game and Watch's "outline", and cannot be selected in any way outside of the debug menu. Sub color 3 is used for Dark Link in the event match "Link's Adventure" ( and can even be accessed by a glitch), while sub color 4 actually matches Mr. Subcolors 1 and 2 are used normally in team battle if there are three characters who are on the same team and they are the same character (three Marios on the Green Team, for example). SUBCOLOR_1, SUBCOLOR_2, SUBCOLOR_3, and SUBCOLOR_4 set the sub colors of the first, second, third, and fourth players respectively. Otherwise, it'll stop at 0.20.Ĭhange your character's secondary outfit color, from 0 to 9, though 0-4 are the only functional values (5-9 crash the game upon starting a match). You can only make the scaling option go down to 0.10 by going all the way up to 5.00 and then going all the way back down. "assertion "memp_kouho" failed in lbmemory.c on line 233"Ĭhanges the size of each character, from 0.10 (very small) to 5.00 (gargantuan). When the game crashes, the following error is left in the log: Could possibly be used for holding blank spots in one-player modes before a character shows up later. It can be used on the results screen without crashing, but it has no stock icon or poses and has a name that cycles between other characters' names. Using an alt color that will put Nana in the lead will work here.Īttempting to play as this crashes the game. Ice Climbers without Nana, used in Target Test mode. A moveset swap hack can be used to give Sandbag another character's moveset, which will remove some of the restrictions but still freeze in several cases. Sandbag is unable to pick up any items, although he can be resized by mushrooms, frozen by Freezies, sucked into a Barrel Cannon, made invincible by a Starman, and receive the flower status from Lip's Stick. If the player makes Sandbag as a CPU, the game will probably crash because the AI will attempt to attack, grab, roll, sidestep or airdodge. Attempting to attack, grab, roll, sidestep or airdodge will crash the game.

Sandbag can actually move, jump and shield, a feature that went unused in the final game as all he does is just stand still. Any items that affect Master Hand affect Crazy Hand in the same way. For a list of attacks and their combination of buttons, please read this section. Was probably used for either programming the AI or testing, such as making sure all of his moves worked properly.Įssentially identical to Master Hand in terms of how he operates when selected, though a controller must be plugged into the fourth port instead of the third to control him. Weak clone of Zelda, with no special attacks, no chargeable smash attacks, less damaging moves overall, and removed flame/electric/slash effects. Weak clone of Captain Falcon, with no special attacks, no chargeable smash attacks, less damaging moves overall, and removed flame and electric effects. The H in his debug name stands for "Hand." For a list of attacks and their button combinations, see this section. However, he can be affected by mushrooms, the Metal Box, Starmen, and Lip's Stick, all of which don't need to be picked up to be used or receive the effects of. This doesn't apply to CPUs, so they can be the first, second, third or fourth player. A controller must be plugged into port 3 in order to control Master Hand. His intro cutscene from Classic Mode will play upon the start of a match. If he wins a match outside Stamina Mode (which never goes to the results screen), the game will freeze because he doesn't have a victory animation. Ganon is the name of Ganondorf's true form.Ĭan't be KO'd under normal means, though he can be defeated as expected in Stamina Mode. This is probably why Roy's debug name is "EMBLEM". The developers of the game didn't decide which Fire Emblem character to put in the game until late in development, where Roy was chosen. "ZE" stands for Zelda and "SE" stands for Sheik. Popo is the male Ice Climber's name and Nana is the female Ice Climber's name. There's no "th" sound in Japanese, so "s" is used instead.